The November Issue of THE CHESTNUT
Today my father would have passed the 80 year old line had he lived.
It's hard to fathom him so old because in my mind he will stay 45 forever. It may seem a bit ironic that he will forever be stuck in the age I am at this moment in time in my mind but then in my mind I'm either six years old holding his hand or a grumpy nineteen year old borrowing his car, which he was always gracious about. His only carrier advice was that I shouldn't study anything that only got me work for the government though I'm sure he'd have had more things to say if he'd known then that all I really ever wanted to do was write.
The winter is starting to bite us here. It's been a good autumn so far but soon we'll have Christmas upon us and the dreaded January. Well, I dread January - it's either a great month for me (my daughter was born in January and I got my dog in January) or it's horrid (the list is long) and in the spirit of drowning the winter dread I have been working as hard as my mind will allow. The mind does get lazy though and pretends there are a thousand other things it needs to be doing and some are even slightly legitimate like my list of books to read has never been larger and I have video games I want to play and podcasts to listen to and TV shows to watch, but writing comes first and so I managed to pull a CHESTNUT story out from hiding and so there is a November issue.
This months story is a bit gorier than you might be used to from THE CHESTNUT. It's about a man who uses the little energy he has to get away from the oppressors who have conquered his world. It's a story about reality and the unreal, it's a story about not giving up and about the dubiousness of happy endings.
It's out now and below you can find the links to it:
And if you prefer iBooks you can find that here.
I hope you are having a great weekend wherever you are