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Mar 5, 20202 min read
Announcements about THE CHESTNUT and about announcements
It's March. Some part of me wants to write "already" at the end of that sentence and another part of me want's to write "finally!". Life...
Oct 12, 20184 min read
The Best Years of Your Life? Thoughts on GRAIL by Harlan Ellison and THE SUMMER OF '69
I am starting to think that the CURRENTLY READING section of Goodreads is cursed. At least for me because each time I put a book up there...
May 3, 201713 min read
Metamorphosis: a short story
Some stories come easily and others have a difficult birth and you're never truly satisfied with them. I have several lying around that...
Apr 21, 201713 min read
A new eHome and a story
Welcome! As you can see I've moved virtual homes and if you're here reading you have found my new address. This place is hopefully a bit...
May 1, 201310 min read
I have a story for you. It's 2600 words and I haven't been able to conjure up a picture for it yet so I don't have it as an eBook just...
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